Ben’s bike ride – a marathon for charity

Ben Hood – one of our performers – is currently cycling 600km from London to Amsterdam. And back.


This might sound crazy, but it’s all for a brilliant charity: Venus Blazing Music and Theatre Trust helps children with severe learning difficulties to develop performance and social skills in a creative theatre and music environment.

Ben cycle map

Ben left London on 30 June, passing through Dover, Calais, Bruges and Antwerp on his way to Amsterdam, returning via Rotterdam… he hopes to return (!) by 7 July. We hope he does too: Ben plays two characters in The Wedding Reception and is scheduled to appear in the show’s 23 and 30 July performances at Kingsway Hall Hotel in London’s Covent Garden.

Ben says: ‘Any donation at all would make a huge difference to the charity. And knowing that a few people are behind me when I’m lost in The Netherlands with raging saddle sores would help spur me on in a huge way!’.

This is the link to donate: it is really quick and simple and you can donate up until 30 July 2015!


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Paul O’Neill (aka Basil) plays inventor Tesla in new sci-fi web series

Schermata 2015-05-29 alle 13.08.00

Paul O’Neill, one of our amazing Basils, is part of an exciting new project: a 12 episode sci-fi web series called ‘Nikola Tesla and the End of the World.’

The lowdown: Sophie Clarks is a physicist who builds a strange machine from long lost scientific plans and transports Nikola Tesla to modern day London. Tesla, played by Paul, is the 19th-century Serbian-American inventor who contributed massively to the development of the alternating-current electrical system.

Nicola tesla

Writer/Director Ian Strang filmed the first four episodes of the series in 2013 and enlisted award-winning songwriter Connie Kaldor to compose the soundtrack.
Strang also created the visual effects and curated the editing. The first four episodes of the series have now been released on the internet, starting on 20 May and finishing today.

As Basil Faulty, Paul has toured extensively, performing in the UK, Ireland, Sri Lanka and Australia – where he won five-star reviews in our first season at Sydney Opera House. He also appears regularly in our London West End venue, The Torquay Suite Theatre at Amba Hotel Charing Cross.

Check out this behind the scene video and find out more about the project:

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