Tweet(s) of the week

Julia Claxton (@eyejewels) made us all feel involved with the shows at Thistle Brighton this week with her pictures and comments – we enjoyed watching the chaos unfold!

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Tweet of the Week

Tweet of the week is from Michael Jarvis (@MikePJarvis), who saw the show at our London West End residency at the Charing Cross Hotel. We’d be nervous if we saw Manuel with that many bowls too!


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Tweet of the Week

A little girl fascinated by Karina Garnett as Sybil in London

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Tweet of the Week

Err Basil, I don’t think you should point at Sybil like that, you never know what might happen!


This week’s tweet of the week from Sarah-Jane (@newbarley) who came to see the show at The Grand Theatre (@Grand_Theatre), Blackpool in the UK!


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Tweet of the Week


Thanks to Kaara Benstead (@gingerstripes), who came to see the show at Charing Cross this week, for your tweets! Great to know we lived up to your expectations.



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Tweet of the Week

Some original Fawlty quotes from @CroftyV1 and @PlayingBasil are our picks of the week from the Twittersphere for this week.

If you want to be Tweet of the Week, tweet your pictures to @thefaultytowers – we love seeing them all!



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Tweet of the Week


I think Basil’s in trouble again! Thanks Katie Croft (@croftyk7) for this tweet and picture of Ron Kelly, Andy Foreman and Karen Hamilton at Melbourne International Comedy Festival.


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Tweet of the week

This week’s tweet of the week is from Roel Vente (@RoelVente) at Het Park, Hoorn in the Netherlands. We’re loving these lights!

Keep tweeting us your photos because we love to see them and you might just end up here next week!


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Tweet of the Week

Our tweet of the week this week is from one of our very own Basils, Paul O’Neill, tweeting from the Charing Cross Hotel in London.

You can follow Paul (@playingbasil) and some of our other actors on Twitter… we’re still trying to convince the rest of them it’s not still 1979.

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